Tuesday, December 30, 2008


The radiologist came in about 5:00 and she was so nice and positive.
She told us that she wasn't going to wait for the biopsy's, since the radiation was the same for the cervical and the uterine, that she was just going ahead and scheduling mom for a treatment tomorrow. She said the chemos were different depending on the cervical or uterine, but that the radiation was the same and there was no reason not to go ahead and get started. So YAY! Thank you for your prayers. I really think they are helping.
God Bless all of you!

Oh and the really rotten thing is mom and I are both in major FOXNEWS withdrawl!
This hospital doesn't have that channel! UGH!

Prayer Request!

My mom, Penny, has just been diagnosed with cancer, we are waiting on biopsies to determine what kind. She has a large mass, in her uterus. The mass is choking off the ureture(-sorry about not sure about spelling, but they are the tubes from kidneys to bladder). The doctors do not believe that they can do surgery because of this causing damage to the kidneys.
They will be starting radiation, as soon as possible,but that won't be for a couple of days yet.
I am asking for your help in praying and asking that the Lord shrinks this tumor away from the kidneys.

Thank you so much.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Damn Straight!

Barack is very disappointed with me!
I only scored 21 on the Obama'>http://ObamaTest.com/">Obama Test

Sunday, December 21, 2008

More about the princess!

You must go here and read this.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"Princess" Caroline Kennedy

My mother has lived many years on this planet. For many of those years she worshiped at the alter of the Kennedy's.
Not seriously, but she, like so many others of her generation were inspired by the handsome young John F. Kennedy and his glamorous wife Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy.
She brought me up with the same admiration for Kennedy and Camelot.
In the past few years though, since Ted Kennedy has been leading the charge to give away more and more of our hard earned tax dollars to the welfare set, lets just say our fondness for all things Kennedy has really waned.
The last shreds of any affection for the family went down with John-John when he crashed into the sea. So handsome was John Jr., such a waste his death at young age.
Back in the summer I read an item on NYPOST's Page Six about how if Hillary Clinton didn't win the Presidency she would retire from the Senate and then the seat would be turned over to Robert Kennedy Jr., whose father Robert Sr. held the seat from 1965-68. Evidently it was a done-deal. Well, apparently not.
I guess "Uncle" Ted's illness has thrown a wrench into the well laid plans of Bobby Jr.
Now Camelot's last living member, "princess" Caroline, who by the way has never had a real job other than writing a few books, thinks that seat should be hers for the asking.
From what I can find out on the nets "Uncle" Ted is pushing this and telling Bobby Jr. to wait.
So Bobby Jr., told NY Governor Paterson to take his name out of the running.
There are a few holdouts still in the running for the seat who aren't bowing to the "princess" by taking themselves out. Andrew Cuomo is one that I have heard who is still in the running.
So anyway now that you have the back story here's the rest of what you need to know.
Miss Penelope in her infinite wisdom has pondered the possibilities and has come to the conclusion that "princess" Caroline will be running for president whenever "Uh-bama's" term is up.
I won't go into the how I think that "princess" Caroline is GROSSLY unqualified to be a Senator or even a President. Let's see-never held a "real job".
Folk's holding a "real job" is a BIG qualification in my book. You see unless you have ever worked for someone, getting paid minimum wage or more, and seeing your paycheck cut for everything under the sun, you just don't have a clue as to what the common people are going through.
Some are going to argue that "princess" Caroline does have real life experience, she's raised three kids, and works to raise money for various charities in the NY area.
I'm a stay at home mom so you aren't going to get an argument from me about raising kids, not being a real job, BECAUSE IT IS THE HARDEST JOB IN THE WORLD.
However "princess" Caroline DID NOT have to worry about the same things the most of the rest of us do. Get real, the woman has several trust funds as do her children. She didn't have to worry about paying the bills like the rest of us.
She's written a couple of books about privacy laws. She is, from all accounts, incredibly intelligent, but so far she has lived a pretty sheltered life.
She and "UH-bama" are cut from the same cloth in my opinion. Two highly intelligent people, who have not a clue what it is to have a real job or real problems. They can think pretty thoughts about the way the world is supposed to be, but probably have NOT ONE IOTA of common sense.

Just remember Miss Penelope told you first, when "princess" throws her hat in the presidential ring.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thank You President Bush

I really want to thank President Bush for being a great leader this past eight years and most importantly keeping our country safe from harm.
For the past eight years I have stood by while liberals from all over foamed at the mouth with hatred, bile, and disdain for someone, who in my opinion has been one of the best president' s that our country has ever had.
Quite frankly, I'm a little glad that Obama did win the election-at least the libtards won't have George W. Bush to kick around any more.
Evidently, I am not the only one in the world who feels this way. Christian artist Steven Curtis Chapman has recorded a wonderful tribute to President Bush.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hey Al Gore!

Hey, Al Gore, where's that damn global warming you promised me?
Dude, it's effing NOVEMBER, it snowed last night, and now for the cherry on top of that sundae it is 16 freaking degrees!!!!!
Now Al-baby I have lived on this third rock from the sun for 37 years now. For 37 years THERE HAS NEVER BEEN SNOW IN NOVEMBER or 16 DEGREE TEMPERATURES IN MY HOMETOWN!!!
Hey Al Gore-KISS MY FAT A$$!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The United Methodist Church vs. George W. Bush

I was brought up in a Methodist church.
My husband is a Methodist as well.
For the past several years, though we have not attended church.
You see I don't like the church(the congregants) I went to as a child, and I really dislike the one my husband attended(again the congregants).
I will tell you that have been really disgusted with our local church's building obsessions, and their congregation was less than welcoming when we would attend church outreach events and fundraisers.
Well after reading this article, I can completely and totally wash my hands of any connection to the Methodist church and not feel one iota of guilt.
Had I know about their campaign against George W. Bush for the past eight years I would have been able to make the break eight years ago instead of now.
I want NOTHING to do with the Methodist church any more.

H/T-American Thinker


This is my new political blog.
I felt the need to start this blog, because I was driving readers away from my other blog in droves.
You can see by the title that things are RIGHT around here!
If you aren't please leave or at least shut up, because THERE IS NO ROOM FOR DISSENSION!
So sit back and enjoy!