Monday, April 13, 2009

Further proof that the RNC is moving away from the right

Ok, so I go to the mail box today and find this little box inside. I see that it is from the Republican National Committee. I think to myself, well that sounds cool, maybe they have sent me some pens or notepads.

Well that would be a big, fat negatory! Look at what was inside.

I know my photography skills aren't that outstanding, but just so you know that's a PENNY!!!! No cute little RNC pens or notepads, but a stinking penny and of course the obligatory "Emergency Call to Action" plea for money.
It is the claim of the new chairman Michael Steele that the Obama, Pelosi, Frank, and Harry Reid regime have energized the faithful party members.

Well, I can tell you one thing, from the other party members I have been talking to and we are all fed up with this step to the left the party has taken. It seems to me that someone in the party thought that we needed to go "lefty" to "fight fire with fire", so to speak.

The RNC that I support would never blatantly WASTE money in such a ridiculous manner. This is just awful!

1 comment:

Snowbrush said...

A whole box to send a penny in order to solicit money???!!! That's got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard of--not to mention environmentally irresponsible. If I may be so bold, I don't see liberalism at work here.