Friday, September 3, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request

Last night and this morning mom has experienced some bleeding. I called her oncologist and we are scheduled for Tuesday at 1:15. If you can please pray that this is just a fluke and doesn't mean that the cancer is spreading. Please ask the Lord to cleanse this cancer from her body.
One thing that I didn't know but found out at her last appointment was that this was stage 4 cancer. It was only in two lymph nodes but that did make it stage 4.

Please share this request with as many people who will pray for her as you can.

The babies and I love and need her and we just can't make it without her.

Due to the fact that neither mother or I slept Monday night, we rescheduled the appointment for Thursday. 
Thank you for your continued prayers. 

Monday, August 30, 2010


My first troll-I feel so special!!!

n said...
What, in your mind, is wrong with homosexuality? I would love to learn your opinions--where I live, (MA) most are extremely accepting of different sexual orientations, so I love to hear why different people think differently about gay marriage..why are you against gay marriage?
Although we do not agree politically, I am sooooo sending good vibes to you, your beautiful son and DARLING little girl, as well as you and your mother!

n-I don't know who you are, or how you found me, but if you had bothered to read the post below the one where you commented, you would see that I am not against homosexuals or gay marriage. But you like most trolls, just did a drive by-post a nasty comment and leave.

For your information-I have an uncle who is gay(or I should say had, because he died last year), I have many gay friends, I don't have a problem with them. I love them for who they are not who they sleep with.

What I do have a problem with is children being brainwashed with political correctness with no values or morals attached. 

I disagree with most conservatives on the gay marriage issue because I do know and love people who are gay and have seen the pain they have lived through.  God put us on this earth to serve him and help one another.  I have found that life is just way too damn short to be deprived of love. 

I don't have the energy,  desire or time to deal with you.  Please don't come back!

UPDATED-n-I'm sorry I called you a troll.

Several of the conservative sites that I hang out, have been innundated with nasty trolls since the Restore Honor event last weekend. I jumped to conclusions and I apologize.

I am not strong-I'm scared to death of losing my mom or my sweet baby girl, but I just try to put one foot in front of the other and keep going. My faith in the Lord pulls me through along with Blue Bell Dutch Chocolate Ice Cream and Keurig K-cups Wake Up Call help!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Obama...does it matter now?

Wow! Just WOW!! This is BRILLIANT!!!

Obama...does it matter now?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Many of you know that I am a former Girl Scout.
I was so looking forward to having this baby girl, so that she and I could participate in Girl Scouts. I still have my old sash and badges(yes, I know dorky).
I loved Girl Scouts so it is with a broken heart that I feel I have to share this information. Sadly I learned about all of this information after we had bought about $40 worth of Girl Scout cookies. We won't be doing that again!
Follow these links and make up your own minds, but this is not an organization that I want to be associated with in any way.

This article is from World Net Daily- About the new Lesbian curriculum
(Please don't take this wrong the way-if you want to live an "alternative lifestyle", more power to ya(I have gay friends and family members), BUT YOU WILL NOT be teaching my child about it!!!)

New "talking dirty" badge-

Planned Parenthood connection-

Girl Scouts Distribute Planned Parenthood Sex Guide at UN Meeting-

God Bless,
Heather Page

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This is really rich!

The French have now accused the US of "occupying Haiti".
You have got to be kidding me!!
NO ONE ELSE ON THIS PLANET, comes forward to offer help in time of disaster, the way the United States does!! NO ONE! NO ONE!!!
Anytime there is an earthquake, tsunami, anything, WE the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, are the FIRST ONES IN AND THE LAST TO LEAVE.
Sounds to me like the French are wanting to take control of Haiti again.
Well quite frankly, they can have the darn island.
Those poor people suffer so much and are so desperately impoverished if the French want to take responsibility for their care-WELL MORE POWER TO THEM.